Frequently asked questions.

What is internal medicine/primary care?

Internal medicine specialists (internists) are primary care doctors who focus on preventing, identifying, and treating health conditions in adults. Internist focus on the whole person, not just your health condition. My goal is to improve your health by addressing your physical, mental, and social well-being. I work with other specialists to coordinate your care and help manage any chronic medical and mental health conditions.

Most importantly, I promote lifelong health and work with you to keep you healthy.

How has COVID-19 changed your practice?

In March of 2020, just prior to the lock-down, I had the first fever of my life that I can remember of 104.1F (measured by my staff member at work). I went to my office and tried to “sleep it off” but found I couldn’t get up. I surmised the strength to get up, drove home, and was in bed for around 10 days. I was alone, could not eat, drink, was sweating, and going to the bathroom. At that time, there was no testing, no ideas of COVID-19 in the public. I took generic tamiflu, courses of antibiotics, & tylenol. As a physician, even I did not realize, I was not taking enough fluids and becoming dehydrated. I could have ended up in the hospital as dehydration is a common cause hospitalization from infection. Fluids, fluids, fluids. From that time on, I realized COVID-19 is a cunning beast slowly lurking in the dark woods ready to appear and without proper understanding, care, and coordination it will be a very difficult time for other patients to understand the complexity of their own situation. I recovered, by the grace of God, and quickly opened my doors and private practice, against the ideas of many, to serve the community and country in any way possible. As a doctor, a U.S. born citizen, and small business owner, this is my oath.

Do you prescribe controlled medications?

As a clinic guideline, we do not prescribe controlled medications such as Zolpidem (Ambien), Testosterone, Stimulants (Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse), Barbituates, and or Benzodiazipines (Ativan, Xanax). Although, there is no stigma in the clinic against these medications it is very difficult to monitor as a telemedicine company and would require higher level of specialist care.

Are you available for mental health consults?

Yes, the second wave of COVID-19 is the mental health pandemic. As a primary care holistic doctor I believe in the total health of the person. I am familiar with medical management, diagnosis and will also explain when higher care is required. The aim is progress over perfection with increased access to care.